10 Reasons a Tanzania Safari is the Best Vacation Ever

Make Memories that Last a Lifetime in Tanzania

It doesn’t matter whether you save every penny for just one or two trips or you’re a seasoned traveler, if you’re seeking an experience unlike any other, you’ll find that a safari is the best vacation ever. Why, you ask? Because there are sights and sounds you’ll experience in Tanzania that you won’t find anywhere else in the world. Plus, the places you go and the people you meet while on a Tanzanian safari will surpass your imagination. Here are 10 reasons to create a moment in your life that you’ll always remember as “the best” travel experience.

1.     Lion’s nighttime roar

It’s one thing to be camping and only hear the music of a thousand crickets. It’s an almost indescribable experience to hear a lion’s roar in the darkness while camping in the bush in Tanzania. Lions roar almost exclusively at night, and that sound carries for as far as 5 miles.

2.     See elephants interact

Perhaps you saw an elephant in a zoo or circus. You probably only saw one or two. During a safari in Tanzania, you can watch an entire herd of elephants interact as a family. Witness the role the largest of all land mammals has within its natural habitat as it tramples dense grasslands and digs in dry riverbeds.

3.     Learning from your guide

Experienced Wanderful Tanzania guides are there to keep you safe, but they also have a wealth of knowledge about the land, weather, wildlife, insects, fauna, flora, and more. You’ll take home information about Africa you never could learn from a book or online. 

4.     Abundant wildlife

Of course, when you think of a safari, you think the Big 5. But once you begin your trip in Tanzania, you’ll be wonderstruck by the actual number of hippos, lions, elephants, jackals, hyenas, zebra, wildebeest, birds, and more you will see. Join a safari during the Great Wildebeest Migration and witness the awe-inspiring movement of more than 1.5 million animals, one of the most phenomenal natural spectacles in the world.

5.     Unexpected luxury

When you travel with Wanderful Tanzania, there’s no “roughing it.” Even the tent camps have toilets and showers. Beds are comfortable. Meals are prepared by a chef. 

6.     Diverse culture

Tanzania is home to more than 61 million people; there are more than 3,000 tribes on the African continent and more than 150 different tribes in Tanzania. As with any large country, there’s never just one kind of people. After all, in addition to indigenous people, Freddie Mercury (from the rock band Queen) was born in Tanzania (in Zanzibar, an island off the coast). When you go on safari, you’ll meet many people. You’ll not only learn about rituals, traditions, and practices far different from your own, you’ll learn all the ways we are similar as humans on this planet.

7.     Interact with Tribes

During a fully escorted safari with Wanderful Tanzania, there’s the opportunity to engage in an adventure of a lifetime: meeting with the Hadzabe tribe. They will teach participants how to make fire, show their handmade weapons, teach how to shoot their bows and arrows, and sing and dance together. They will also provide fascinating information about how they use Honeyguide birds to help them find the honey that accounts for 15% of their diet!  

8.     Mount Kilimanjaro 

See the highest mountain in Africa and the highest single free-standing mountain in the world (at 19,340 feet above sea level). It’s the fourth most topographically prominent peak on Earth and climbers come from around the globe to take on this challenging dormant volcano.  

9.     Ngorongoro Crater

Located in the Eastern (Great) Rift Valley of northern Tanzania, the largest intact volcanic caldera in the world is more than three million years old. It is estimated to be 2,000 feet deep, with a floor covering 100 square miles. As one of Africa’s 7 Natural Wonders, the rich mineral deposits in the volcanic soil and the abundant water make this one of the most fertile grazing areas on the continent.

10. The lingering WOW! factor

While on safari, you’ll likely shoot hundreds of photos. When you return home from Tanzania and have the opportunity to look through all the images, you’ll be taken aback by all you witnessed during your trip.

Book the best

Ready to take the next step and make your dream about a safari a reality? Find an upcoming Wanderful Tanzania safari and book your unique travel experience today.


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