Interesting Aspects of Excellent Safari Destination

Tanzania is one of the best safari destinations in Africa. Learn fun facts about this amazing corner of the world.

1.    Nearly 30% of Tanzania is national parks

At 365,756 square kilometers, Tanzania is the largest country in East Africa. Nearly 30% of this land is national parks, game reserves, and protected areas, including the Ngorongoro Conservation Crater, Serengeti National Park, Lake Manyara National Park, and Tarangire National Park.

2.    More than 150 tribes live in Tanzania

Each tribe is culturally unique with traditions and practices. They are distinguished by masks, hand-woven baskets, and bead work. When you book a safari with Wanderful Tanzania, you meet and interact with some of Tanzania’s indigenous people in the Datoga and Hadzabe tribes.

3.    Over 120 languages are spoken in Tanzania

KiSwahili (Swahili) is the official language of Tanzania. English, Maasai, and French are also widely spoken. Up to 15% of the population do not speak either KiSwahili or English and instead communicate in an indigenous language.

4.    Water is everywhere

Approximately 22,800 square miles of Tanzania’s territory consists of inland water. This includes Lake Victoria, the world’s second-largest freshwater lake, and Lake Tanganyika, the second-deepest lake in the world and the second-biggest lake by volume.

5.    Baobab trees can live 5,000 years

Considered “The Tree of Life,” these succulents store water in its vast trunk. The nutrient-dense fruit it produces during the dry season has a citrusy flavor. Many species can live 1,000 years. The oldest tree, found in South Africa, is believed to be 6,000 years old.

6.    Mount Kilimanjaro is a dormant volcano

Mount Kilimanjaro is the tallest in Africa, and at 5,895 meters (19,341 ft.) above sea level, it is the highest freestanding mountain in the world. Due to the impact of climate change, scientists predict the snow that caps this mountain will be gone by 2033.

7.    Portions of the Oscar-winning movie “Out of Africa” were filmed in the Ngorongoro Crater

While much of the movie was filmed in Kenya, you can easily spot the crater in the scene when Denys takes off from the Olkurruk airstrip and flies over the Masai Mara and Ngorongoro.

8.    Mpgino trees are used for woodwinds

Mpingo is the Swahili name for blackwood. It is the choice for skilled wood carvers and is used to craft clarinets and oboes in the West.

9.    Tanzania has one of the largest bird species lists of any African country

There are more than 1,100 species of birds, with 22 species that are unique to the country. The rufous-tailed weaver is a species of songbird that can’t be found anywhere else in the world.

10. Ugali is the national dish

The stiff dough is prepared with cornmeal, cassava flour, sorghum or millet. It is typically served with every meal.

11. The flag showcases the elements of Tanzanian life

The green represents nature’s beauty, the yellow represents the mineral deposits of the country, the black represents the people, and the blue represents the country’s great lakes.

12. The most lions

The Serengeti is home to about 3,000 lions, more than any other location in the world. Lions prefer to hunt at dawn and dusk but can also prey during the day. Visitors hoping to glimpse a lion in the wild will likely see one during a Wanderful Tanzania safari. Because we keep our tours small, we can accommodate requests if you wish to linger and watch lions at play.

13.  Mnemba Atoll is one of the best snorkeling spots in the world 

It is also the most famous conservation area in Zanzibar. Often called the Tropical Fish Capital, more than 350 fish species have been recorded around the area. Dolphins, sea horses, jackfish, stingrays, lionfish, and pufferfish are just some of the varieties.

14. Two million animals join in The Great Wildebeest Migration

In addition to wildebeest, zebra, Grant’s gazelle, Thompson’s gazelle, elands, and impalas join in one of the most phenomenal natural spectacles in the world. The animals loop more than 1,800 miles on a voyage to find food and water.

15. Not every safari requires you to ‘rough it’

Many people believe a safari means sleeping on the ground and dining on Ready-to-Eat Meals. During Wanderful Tanzania safaris, there are chef-prepared meals, flushing toilets, and hot showers in your private tent.

Find your own fun facts

Drawing on more than two decades of experience, the Wanderful Tanzania team is eager to help you turn your safari dreams into reality. We know you’ll love the adventure and will discover you own fun facts that you’ll share for years to come. Make plans to visit Tanzania today! Just contact us and let’s get started.


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