Safari Day 6:

Today was A-MAZING… A-GAIN!   The rain falling on my tent last night made me sleep like a baby, and everything was so fresh and bright this morning!  After another outstanding breakfast we jumped into the trucks and set out for Day 6.

Those rains I mentioned earlier did not do the roads any favors, but I know better than to be concerned.  For starters, I think these trucks can get through just about anything.  And Felix (my driver and guide appears to be half man/half safari truck.  He knows exactly where each wheel is and what it is doing at all times.  He almost feels his way through the huge puddles and muddy road without ever breaking a sweat!   In fact, Felix single handedly pulled the trucks from three other safari companies out of the mud today.  He is our superhero!

My most special moments from today’s safari included seeing the baby wildebeest take his first steps.  Although the video is pretty bad and shaky, I’m so thrilled I got it at all.  It is something I will never forget for the rest of my life.  Then, on the way back to camp this evening I spotted this beauty in the tree we were about to drive under.  We were literally the only ones who witnessed this scene.  It was serene and sweet, and I still can’t believe I’m on a safari!

Ndutu Conservation Area, March 2020

Byline:  Kit F.  Healdsburg, CA


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