Wild At Heart Safari


Serengeti National Park – Quintessential Africa

Ndutu Plains – Serengeti’s off-roading playground and calving grounds for Great Migration

Olduvai Gorge – aka Cradle of Humankind

Tarangire National Park – Baobob trees & elephants galore

Ngorongoro Crater – You just have to see it to believe it


12 Days


February 4-15, 2026


from $9,664

Our Safari Philosophy

All Wanderful Tanzania safaris are intentionally crafted with a unique rhythm designed to strike a balance between adventure and rest. We refer to this cadence as an “unhurried journey of discovery.” So, while you’ll have ample opportunity for exploration and excitement, there will also be plenty of time for relaxation, reflection and rejuvenation. We believe that this balance creates a more meaningful, enjoyable, and memorable safari experience for our guests.

Come into the wild with Wanderful, and lose yourself to Tanzania!

Why Safari During Green Season?

The short answer to that question is… because its green and its time for the Baby Bloom!!

If you picture endless plains of golden grasses waving in the wind, with some magnificent beast in the foreground when you think of a safari, you’re not alone! You share that iconic image with millions of people around the world, as it is the epitome of PEAK Season in Tanzania.

Now imagine that same scene, but this time imagine your creatures surrounded by vibrant green grasses and blue waterways under stunningly gorgeous skies. That’s what Green Season is all about in Tanzania!

More Benefits of a Green Season Safari

  • Smaller crowds
  • Little to no dust
  • Fun mud-bogging is possible (and sometimes necessary)
  • Access to the spectacular Ndutu region (seasonal region of the Serengeti)
  • Soft light and drama!!! This time of year there are dramatic clouds and breathtaking skyscapes in every direction (a photographer’s dream!)
  • A slight chance for rainbows over the savannas
  • A chance to hear the sound of rain on your tent as you drift off to sleep
  • You’ll be immersed in the Great Migration as they gather on the Ndutu plains, where they will give birth to more than 400,000 babies between around the February timeframe.
  • There are beautiful birds, everywhere!
  • Love is in the air! (while the Great Migration is busy bearing their young, it seems like everyone else is mating!)

Your safari begins the moment you exit the Kilimanjaro International Airport (JRO) and are greeted by Wanderful Tanzania’s local guide(s). They will help you with your luggage and will take you to your first night’s accommodation at a beautifully appointed safari lodge in Arusha.

Tarangire National Park is a must-see destination for any safari-goer. The park covers an area of roughly 2,850 square kilometers, making it roughly a quarter of the size of the famous Serengeti. Despite its smaller size, Tarangire is home to a wide variety of wildlife, including large herds of elephants that are a highlight of any visit. The park is also known for its unique and distinctive baobab trees, which dot the landscape and provide a beautiful backdrop for your safari experience.

In addition to its wildlife and vegetation, Tarangire is also known for its diverse ecological regions. The park features river valleys, forests, marshes, and grasslands, each offering a different experience for visitors. Your guide will do their best to explore as much of the park as possible, ensuring that you get the most out of your visit. Tarangire is also home to more than 550 bird species, making it a paradise for bird-watchers.

And, as always, keep one eye out for the hundreds of bird species that make their home in this park. You should have no problem spotting all of these and so much more while in this truly magnificent park.

It is worth the early wake up to be one of the first groups to reach the crater floor on “Crater Day”… the last game drive, and final day of safari-related activities

While on the floor of this UNESCO site, it will be everyone’s primary goal to be on the lookout for the endangered Black Rhino. This will be your best shot at finding this element of the Big Five!

Although Tanzania has many wilderness and wildlife show pieces, this one is particularly difficult to put into words. With remarkable views from the ridge above, to the real action on the crater floor, the crater embodies a constant stir of wildlife and unspoiled scenes to keep you engrossed.

One of our past guests described Ngorongoro as “Where Heaven Meets Earth!” Another said it was like “A mixture of Narnia and Seuss, with just a dash of Jurassic Park!” However YOU describe it, it is a MUST-SEE on any Tanzanian safari!

Millions of years ago this enormous volcano collapse and formed this massive CALDERA that everyone mistakenly calls the “Ngorongoro Crater.”

Present day, this caldera is now an incredible, self-sustaining ecosystem that boasts the highest density of African wildlife on Earth, and a UNESCO World Heritage site to boot!

You are in for a treat on this “Day of Rest,” as it is bereft of animals, tribes, and rough dirt roads! Instead, you’ll spend the day gliding through purely pleasurable pursuits!

After departing your lodge, the guides will bring you to the African Galleria for incredible souvenir shopping, fascinating exhibits, and a chance for you to sample some authentic Swahili food and cocktails at their beautiful open-air restaurant.

The Galleria is part museum, part classroom, and part souvenir extravaganza. It is truly worth spending a few hours here, interacting with the craftsmen and finding unique and special trinkets for everyone on your Christmas list!

You can learn all about the rare and precious gemstone called “Tanzanite” that is mined from only one in the world (very near the JRO airport, interestingly enough!). This gemstone is simply exquisite and 1000 times more precious than diamonds. Experts estimate that the mine will be exhausted by 2035, which will continue to drive the value of these stones higher and higher.

Another immersive and interactive exhibit at the Galleria focuses on Ebony wood. Both of these are fascinating and fun to explore… so check them out for sure!

If you need a break from shopping… or have simply spent your retirement on Tanzanite (kidding/not kidding – the prices here are incredible!!!), head out to the open-air restaurant and grab a cocktail, beer, or soft drink and order up a couple items of local east African cuisine to munch on as well. Some of the best food I’ve EVER eaten has come from this restaurant!

The open-air restaurant… AMAZING FOOD and COLD BEER / COCKTAILS!


Once we return from this shopping/lunch excursion, we will head back into the highlands of Ngorongoro for two nights at the beautiful Ngorongoro Farm House, The balance of this day is yours to fill as you wish!

Perhaps your up for just relaxing around the pool? Maybe a spa treatment is calling your name? At 5 pm you can join “Baba Dingy, AC” on his daily guided walking tour through the lush gardens and coffee groves of the lodges 600 acres.
Baba Dingy is the Assistant Chief of the local Iraqw tribe – (the “qw” is simply a guttural sound that has to be heard to be understood).

Baba Dingy will also be around in the evenings to offer a tour of the beautiful Farm House grounds, if you wish to join him. He works for tips only.

What’s your name?
Share your name to let the document owner know who’s joining in.

After breakfast, the trucks will roll out once again, headed down the mountain and into the spectacular Ndutu Plains of the Southern Serengeti. Just before we turn off of the main road, however, we will carve out a bit of time for you to visit the Oldupai Gorge for a “lunch-and-learn” session and a spin through their small, well-curated museum. This is a UNESCO World Heritage site, and is known around the world as “The Cradle of Humankind,” as the oldest human footprints were famously discovered there by Mary Leakey in 1959.

The site remains an active archeological excavation site, with universities, museums, and other research institutions sending teams of scientists there each year to continue the exploration.

It is a fascinating place to spend a couple of hours and realize that every single person on the planet can trace their lineage to this very spot on Earth.


Following lunch, your guides will continue the drive on into the lush, green Ndutu region… birthing grouds for the Great Migration herd and on to your new tented camp, and home away from home for the next 3 nights!

You’ll be in the Ndutu region of the Serengeti for 3 nights. The Hot Air Balloon Safari will also take place during this portion of the trip, if you are participating in that adventure!

This area was made famous by documentary and cinematic filmmakers, and by researchers such as Jane Goodall.

The best months to visit the Ndutu Region are from December (when the Great Migration herds start to arrive from the north) until April when the millions of wildebeest, zebra and gazelle have begun their next march northwards once again.

In the early months of the year – with a peak in February – the wildebeest herds are calving on the verdant grassy plains (upwards of 8,000 baby animals are born in this region each day during calving season), which, in turn, also attracts the attention of cheetahs, lions and hyenas. All six of the big cat species can be found in the area all year – lion, leopard, cheetah, caracal, serval and African wildcat.

In this region, Lake Ndutu and Lake Masek form shallow basins where water accumulates from the nearby highlands. The water in both lakes are extremely saline… too saline for human consumption. Lake Ndutu comes alive with animals during the migration because it is surrounded by the dense woodlands and short-grass plains, which provide ample cover and food.

The majestic and world famous Serengeti is the thing that dreams are made of! Granite kopjes (pr. co-pees) pop up, seemingly out of nowhere, and dot the landscape like islands in a sea of wind-blown grasses.

The park has a well-earned reputation for reliable and unforgettable wildlife encounters, seemingly around every bend in the road!

You should have no problem spotting elephants, giraffes, zebras, antelopes, hippos, and more! Your guide(s) will help you spot the big cats, as those are usually much harder to locate.

And, once again, the birds play a huge role in the beauty and vibrancy of the park. They are nothing short of mind blowing, both in volume and variety!

Saying goodbye to your safari guide(s) at the end of an incredible journey is bittersweet. They have shared their knowledge, expertise and passion for Africa’s wilderness with you, making your safari experience safe, comfortable, and unforgettable.

These guys were complete strangers just 12 short days ago, but now they are your forever friends.

Be sure to look out the windows as your plane lifts off from the tiny dirt runway, and silently say your thanks and goodbyes to the mighty Serengeti too!

Upon landing back in Arusha, new guide(s) will meet you to escort you through your final day in Tanzania. Time permitting, they may offer a lunch and shopping opportunity, or perhaps a few hours in day-use rooms so that you can repack, refresh, and prepare for your long flights home again.

Either way, the goal of this day is to ensure you get to the airport in plenty of time to negotiate the check in and security process, and then relax onto your homeward flight… with your heart and mind full of the wonderful memories from your time in Tanzania!

Once home, we truly hope that you’ll tell your friends about the epic adventure and fun you had with Wanderful Tanzania! REFERRALS ARE OUR BIGGEST COMPLIMENT!

You’ll spend your first night in Tanzania at one of the adorable safari lodges in town.

Accommodations are spread out amongst the beautifully manicured lawns and gardens, and guests can enjoy a meal or drink at their onsite restaurant and bar in the main building.

After your long flights, you can rest assured that a nice hot shower and comfortable bed await.


During your time in Ngorongoro Highlands, you’ll be staying at one of the amazing safari odges in the Karatu region. Check with the front desk to see what activities or amenities may be available each evening. If you have a chance to join the ground tour one evening, take it!

Weather permitting, dining here is outdoors.

Wanderful Tanzania selects only well-located and well-run tented camps that can truly deliver an amazing experience to our guests. Nothing beats a hot shower and a spacious, comfy place to relax after a long day of game driving, bumpy roads, and close-up wildlife encounters.

During your time in the Central Serengeti, you’ll be staying at one of the incredible tented camps in that region. While each camp has a different vibe, they are little havens of comfort and relaxation smack-dab in the middle of the bush! With all the amenities you could desire, they are truly a wonderful home away from home!

The sunrises and sunsets in the Serengeti are reliably breathtaking, as is the beauty of this wild and precious place. You can’t help but feel the tensions of the first world melt away, so be sure to stay present and soak in every detail of your safari. So once back at camp after a long day of game viewing, take a nice hot shower, get a bit of rest, and then head over to the campfire to have a drink before dinner and to watch one of those aforementioned sunsets. We hope these are the moments that give you pause, and let you simply relax and reflect on where you are, and the gifts from another day on safari.

Hot Air Balloon Experience

$650 pp

Experience the serenity and breathtaking beauty of the Serengeti at sunrise by adding the hot-air balloon experience option to your safari. An early morning, for sure, but it provides the only time during the safari for seeing the Serengeti from a safari truck in the darkness. The Serengeti comes alive at night with nocturnal predators, grazing hippos, and other things that go bump in the night! Just the truck ride is a great experience, but nothing compares to soaring peacefully above this majestic land!

All of the balloon pilots are all highly trained and skilled balloon professionals. While they cannot control WHERE the balloon goes, they can control the elevation and can spin the balloon 360 degrees, ensuring everyone has the perfect view of every scene you may float above!

It is breathtaking to look DOWN on a tower of giraffes, or soar above the grasslands and witness a pride of lions or herd of elephants on the move… or so actually see the endless lines of the great migration herd strung out across the plains.

This once-in-a-lifetime experience is followed by a champagne toast and a full English-breakfast and celebration in the bush. Advanced bookings are required, so please let us know if you wish to add this to your safari package.

Reservations and advanced bookings are required. Please let us know if this is something you would like to add to your safari, and we’ll handle the rest.

Zanzibar Island Escape

from $1,545 pp*

DAYS 12-15: ISLAND TIME at your nearly all-inclusive beachfront resort

I can’t think of a better way to end an incredible wildlife safari than to hit the beach with a drink in your hand and your toes in the sand! IF YOU CHOOSE THIS OPTIONAL EXTENSION, you’ll have a chance to do just that for the last 3 nights of your Tanzanian adventure!

Will you take a swim in the warm, clear waters of the Indian Ocean, or a long walk along the shore? Perhaps a bit of kayaking, SUP, or snorkeling will be in order before enjoying an amazing seafood feast that evening.


My intention is to set you up at one of the beautiful all-inclusive resorts on the island! So, no more early wake-ups or long, bouncy rides… these days are ALL YOURS to fill up as you see fit!

I won’t be able to tell you which specific resort you’ll be at until our contract is in place, and I’m able to reserve your rooms, etc.


Your transfers between the airport and resort are included in this package, but all other transportation around the island will be up to you.

You will meet Juma (my friend and driver on Zanzibar), as he will personally greet you at the airport, take you to your resort, and get you back to the airport in time for your flights onward to South Africa at the end of your island time.

NOTE: I will also give you his WhatsApp details so you can reach out to him as well, just in case you want to leave the resort to explore the island a bit!

Juma is a Zanzibar native, and knows the island inside and out. He has been absolutely rock solid and reliable every single time I’ve needed him, and has taken excellent care of the guests I’ve sent to Zanzibar on their own.

Some of the FUN THINGS I’ve done on my trips to Zanzibar…
You will have plenty of things to keep you occupied at the resort… but should you choose to leave the property, I hope the following suggestions are helpful!

  • A simple driving tour to the Northern tip of the island or some of the other popular beach areas, like Zanzibar Kite Park along Paje Beach.
  • A wonderful walking tour of Stone Town (including Freddie Mercury’s house, and a heart-wrenching visit to the Slave Market…ooph… powerful, my friends!)
  • A super fun, interactive, and educational visit to one of the famous Spice Farms.
  • If you really want a treat, ask Juma to take you to the Forodhani Gardens Night Food Market along the harbor front. There, vendors sell grilled seafood, kebobs, pizzas, and other delicious bites! It is a warm, welcoming, casual environment where everyone is welcome!

* Dependent on final accommodations & level of room selected)

With some advanced planning, our “almost wallet-less” journeys can make safari dreams a reality for nearly everyone.

“Almost wallet-less“ means that we include about 90% of the total costs in the price of the safari, and then offer guests a flexible payment schedule which allows them to break the payments into smaller payments that can be made over many months leading up to the safari. The other 10% (+/-) of the associated costs is money that guests will need to bring in cash on the safari, which we talk about in detail in our Tour Packet, which we send out to every guest upon registration.

In fact, we guide you all the way through the paperwork and preparation needed before the safari. Our goal is for every guest to arrive in Tanzania relaxed and ready to enjoy their wild adventure, without needing to worry about their wallets.



  • Pre-trip preparation and guidance, including detailed Tour Packet and series of infographics designed to make sure you are ready to safari
  • Arrival welcome by your safari guide(s) as you exit the Kilimanjaro International Airport in Tanzania
  • All transfers throughout the safari (to/from airports, hotels, tour-related excursions, etc.)
  • One-way bush plane flight from the Serengeti to Arusha (or vice versa)
  • Experienced, local, professional driver(s)/guide(s) (English speaking)
  • All accommodations at a variety of tented camps, safari lodges/resorts
  • All breakfasts and dinners, chef-prepared daily
  • All lunches (either hot lunch or box lunches, depending on daily schedule)
  • All snacks, water, coffee, and tea (alcohol & sodas are on your own)
  • All ground transportation in safari-modified Land Cruisers, inclusive of fuel
  • All taxes related to tourism
  • All park, service, conservancy, and entrance fees associated with safari itinerary

NOT Included

  • Airfare to/from Tanzania
  • Tips for driver(s), guide(s) and the staffs of the various camps & lodges – tipping guidelines are offered in Tour Packet
  • Beverages (beer, wine, liquor, soft drinks) purchased from lounges, camps, restaurants or stores. (Beverages are generally very inexpensive in Tanzania)
  • Travel and evacuation insurance (strongly recommended)
  • Pre- or Post-Safari accommodations, transportation, meals, or tours


Reserve Your Spot

Pay a 20% deposit today to reserve your place on this once-in-a-lifetime safari!