Wanderful Tanzania’s 10 Commitments

1. We Commit To Our Expertise And Focus On Tanzania

In short, we are all about TANZANIA, 100% of the time… after all, it’s even part of our name! We don’t aspire to run 200 safaris in 5 different countries each year. Instead, we dedicate ourselves to curating just 8-12 incredible safaris per year for our small groups and private clients, and then become laser-focused on delivering our brand of excellence with high-touch service from start to finish!

2. We Commit To Curating The Perfect Blend of Adventure & Relaxation

From the very beginning, Wanderful Tanzania has been designing and refining the recipe for the ideal safari experience! As a result, we’ve created a beautiful cadence for our safaris that strikes the perfect balance between exploration and relaxation. One of our guests said their safari was an “ unhurried journey of discovery,” which is truly the perfect description of a Wanderful Tanzania safari! We focus on bringing the thrills and/or cultural immersion to the plate every day, but then get you back to the camps or lodges with ample time to wash up and head out to unwind with a drink by the campfire before dinner. This is the perfect opportunity to completely relax and reflect on another perfect day on safari… or just to sit quietly and enjoy Mother Nature’s glorious sky paintings each evening as the sun slowly sinks over the distant horizon. Tanzanian sunsets are legendary, and our guests get a front-row seat every night on safari.

3. We Commit To Putting Epic Vacations On Easy Mode

Compared to more pedestrian travel experiences, safaris can be somewhat mysterious and scary for first-timers! Most people say they don’t even know where to begin when planning a safari — so rest assured, that’s where we come in! Our incredible team of safari experts will take all of the fear and uncertainty out of creating the perfect safari experience by doing all of the heavy lifting for you! Our years of experience, attention to detail, and high-touch service will keep you from overlooking any important requirements or making other costly mistakes on such an important vacation. You’ll be able to board your flight secure in the knowledge that every detail of your well-crafted safari is in place, and our team is waiting to welcome you upon arrival, allowing you to simply relax and slide into safari mode! So essentially, a Wanderful Tanzania safari is the equivalent of hitting the EPIC VACATION EASY BUTTON!

4. We Commit To Nearly All-Inclusive Pricing, Flexible Payment Terms, And Zero Surprises!

Safaris are exotic adventures, far from home, and filled with a multitude of expenses associated with tourism, preservation, conservation, and safety. It’s truly enough to make anyone dizzy! As such, Wanderful Tanzania intentionally designs our safaris to be NEARLY all-inclusive. We build about 90-95% of your safari expenses into the price of the tour, and then coach you through the nominal additional expenses you may incur during the safari itself. We work hard to try to put our safari adventures within reach of more people by offering very flexible payment plans. A deposit will reserve your spot on the safari, and then you can retire the balance over several months with a very flexible payment plan!

5. We Commit To Small Groups And Uncrowded Safari Vehicles

Our business was built around small groups (max. 14 people) and private clients, and that remains our only focus to this day! Likewise, we do not overcrowd our safari vehicles, by limiting each truck to a maximum of 5 guests throughout the safari. By doing this, we are able ensure that everyone is comfortable and can move about freely, has room to keep their day-use items at their fingertips, and most importantly, so that everyone has a front-row seat for every event or encounter along the way.

Our dedication to small groups lends itself to a friendly, casual, and fun atmosphere which promotes bonding and camaraderie within the group. We see the bonds form between members of our groups through the shared experiences and ahh-inspiring moments that happen throughout each safari. Our small groups tend to stay in touch with one another, and even hold “safari reunions” so that the group can get together again from time to time. A few of them have even booked other tours together through Susie’s other small-group tour company (Periquito Adventures & Travel)! When THOSE things happen, it confirms that we’ve cracked the code on creating enduring and impactful safari experiences for all of our guests!

(Note: Private safari sizes vary by trip. Our largest group to date was 30 people, and it was amazing!)

6. We Commit To Hand-Selected Guides That Are The Cream Of The Crop!

We know from extensive experience that the quality of the guide can make or break a safari! That said, Wanderful Tanzania leaves nothing to chance when it comes to the quality of our guides. We hand-pick each one of them to our exacting standards in experience, safari knowledge, wildlife management expertise, on-road and off-road driving skills, personality, and English-language communication skills.

We know that we have the cream of the crop, and we’re proud of that! All of our guides receive rave reviews, safari after safari, and many of them are given nicknames by our guests based on their observations and experiences with particular guides. For example, Felix is “The Safari Whisperer,” as he has the uncanny ability to be in the right place at exactly the right time to see the most incredible scenes unfold before our eyes! Mohammed, on the other hand, has been dubbed “The Professor” for his encyclopedic knowledge of animal behavior and ability to anticipate what is coming next from the birds, mammals, and other creatures of Tanzania. Across the board, our guides are our pride and joy, and we can’t wait for you to experience a safari with them at the wheel!

7. We Commit To Absolutely Never Roughing It!

Our small size is also our strength when it comes to providing our guests with the best of the best in terms of accommodations throughout the safari. We are not beholden to any specific brand or chain of camps or lodges, so we are able to work with a network of Tanzania’s top accommodation providers to pick just the perfect combination of tented camps and lodges for every safari. We pay attention to comfort, amenities, service staff, and location, then simply deliver the WOW! There will be no roughing it on a Wanderful Tanzania safari, you have our word on it!

8. We Commit To Hearing You!

One of the first things we stress to our clients before the safari rolls out is that we want your real-time feedback. If something is not to your liking or expectations, please speak up and make us aware of it right away. If it is within our ability to remedy, we will resolve it immediately. If it is not, then we will do our best to adjust when possible, so that future guests do not have the same experience. What we never want, however, is for you to be dissatisfied with something that could easily have been fixed.

Your comfort and enjoyment of the safari is our top priority, but we cannot fix what we do not know about, so we invite everyone to be on the same team, and speak up!

Likewise, we want to evaluate the feedback after each safari concludes, so we send evaluation surveys to each safari guest once they are home again. This is the best way for us to refine our service and improve our delivery. We’ve been taking these surveys for nearly 8 years now, so your safari will surely be a reflection of the input and suggestions we’ve received from every group that has come before you!

9. We Commit To Being The Pebble!

One good act leads to another! If you’ve ever observed the ripple effect that forms after a pebble has been dropped into a still pond or puddle, you’ll understand the metaphor! Wanderful Tanzania does all we can to promote compassion, understanding, and love for the people of Tanzania with every safari we deliver! For any guests who show a desire to contribute in some way, to give back more than we take from this beautiful country, we will be there to help connect the dots. Past safari groups have donated to a local orphanage, buying them a dairy cow to replace one that had recently died. Another group brought clothing, hygiene, and school supplies to a local children’s village. Still, others have donated to water projects or conservancy efforts upon returning from their safaris. All of these efforts are honored and appreciated.

One of our guests in 2022 was so moved by her experience in Tanzania that she signed up to volunteer for 2 months at a local school in Arusha, returning to Tanzania just 4 weeks after her safari ended.

Every act is acknowledged, celebrated, and applauded, as this is what traveling with intention is all about! There is no obligation for these actions, but if Tanzania touches your heart in this way, we will happily help you find the right way to make a difference, and you will have our eternal gratitude!

10. We Commit To Earning Your Referral

Our goal for every one of our safaris is to deliver the most epic, most rewarding, and most thrilling trip of a lifetime for every guest, and to send them safely home with their heads and hearts full of memories they’ll never forget. Of course, we hope you will also have a string of stories and photos to share with your friends and family too, because the biggest compliment our little company could get is a referral from one of our amazing guests!


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