Safari Day 5: 

At breakfast this morning my wife was sharing with our table how absolutely blessed she felt being on this safari.  She laughed and said, “I just keep thinking that it can’t get any better than what we’ve already seen and done, but each day just keeps getting better and better!

So, as we loaded into the safari trucks for the days’s game drive, I was thinking about what she said, and was blown by the sheer number and variety of animals we’ve encountered already.  Elephants, Cape Buffalo, Lions, Zebra, and more Wildebeest than I knew existed.  Leopard, Warthogs, Hippos, Cheetah, and Giraffe.  And the birds!  We’ve counted more than 3 dozen varieties of birds already! 

Knowing that the Serengeti National Park is a vast 6,000 square miles, I thought we’d be lucky to see a few animals here and there.  I never imagined animals so numerous that almost around every bend in the road is another amazing sight that I never imagined I’d see. 

Luckily, I had my camera in hand and was just able to capture this scene on video today! 


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