Why You Must Experience a Tanzania Summer Safari

Take a Great Wildebeest Migration Safari

Ask any guide about the best time to take an African safari, and they will tell you it is during the dry season (June to October). Taking a Tanzania summer safari allows you to experience the cooler months of the Southern Hemisphere when there are fewer insects and abundant wildlife. 

Great Wildebeest Migration Safari

Typically, the months of April and May see the most rainfall in Tanzania. Thus, the following months are filled with colorful flora, and the Great Wildebeest Migration begins to move north. This massive annual wildlife trek is a sight to behold. More than 1.5 million wildebeest are joined by hundreds of thousands of zebras, gazelles, and other antelopes to new grazing grounds. Of course, all these grazers mean many hungry predators will follow. 

Pack your camera

No matter what your photography skill level, this is one time you won’t want to leave your camera at home. There are hundreds of picture-perfect places for photography on a summer safari. During the Great Wildebeest Migration, it’s a spectacular time to witness this stunning natural event where you’re guaranteed to see the Big 5 and many more animals.

You will find that the skies are clear, and most days are sunny while out on a game drive. The animals are easier to spot since they often stop and concentrate around waterholes and rivers, especially in Serengeti National Park.

Our summer, Tanzania’s winter

Taking a safari during the summer is great for honeymooners and families seeking adventure. Just imagine all the kids could include when writing essays about their summer vacation! Our summer is their winter, and travelers benefit from cooler temperatures that average the mid-50s to mid-80 degrees (F). It’s a perfect time to consider a hot-air balloon experience to capture the breathtaking beauty of the Serengeti at sunrise. 

Best summer safari ever

We know that when you’re traveling halfway around the world, you want to ensure you see as much as possible on your safari. Book your trip with Wanderful Tanzania to enjoy the world-famous Serengeti National Park and all the wildlife that roams there. You’ll also experience the incredible Ngorongoro Crater, the Olduvai Gorge, and the impressive Great Rift Valley. In addition to seeing fauna and flora, travelers can interact with the wonderful Datoga tribe during the summer safari.

Climate change is impacting the whole world, including these beautiful parts of Africa. It’s become even more urgent to get out and see the vast savannah and abundant wildlife. If a safari has always been on your bucket list, make the most of today and book your a once-in-a-lifetime adventure.


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