Felix Mdee

Felix Mdee
Safarimaster / Head Guide
I am part of the Pare tribe, which is located in the southern Kilimanjaro region of Tanzania.
I am married for 25 years now, and have two daughters.
When I was in guiding school, I specialized in three subjects:
- Mammalogy – which is scientific study of mammals
- Botany – which is scientific study of plants
- Ornithology – which is scientific study of birds
Of the three, Ornithology is by far my favorite, because I love all the birds!
After graduating, I worked in the tourism industry as a ranger for 24 years, and then as a safari guide for one company for 10 years. I left that company to become a free-lance guide several years ago because I am happiest when I get to choose which companies I want to work with. I only pick companies with integrity, and the highest level of care and commitment to their guests. Companies who also work to protect and respect the people, animals and ecology of my beautiful country while they are a guest in Tanzania.
In 2018 I did my first safari with Wanderful Tanzania / Periquito Adventures, and for the past four years we’ve been delivering one of the best safari experiences in all of East Africa! No two safaris are ever the same! We carefully design each safari to highlight the best of Tanzania, based on the time of year the safari takes place. I am very happy being part of this team, because I know that we always deliver one of the best safari experiences in all of East Africa.
According to my experience in the bush, the Cheetah is my favorite animal. Why the cheetah? Because it is the fastest land mammal, and they depend on their speed to find their food. I love their long bodies, their beautiful markings, and I think they have the cutest babies of all animals.
I hope to have the privilege of guiding you into the wild so that you can pick your own favorite African animal too.